Special Educational Needs
Special Needs Provision – How we adapt the curriculum to support all learners.
Clipston Primary School is an inclusive school and as such, we believe that the best provision for children who have additional needs is excellent teaching. However, should a child need a more focused intervention, then we support progress in their learning with adaptions to the provision over and above that which is found in most lessons.
Adaptations to the curriculum and to the learning environment for children with Special Needs may include:
Adapt presentations: e.g. Provide pupils with pre-learning organisers of key learning concepts or vocabulary, Enlarge/shrink fonts, Use overlays/acetate to reduce glare, Use overlays on text pages to reduce the quantity of print that is visible, Highlight key points, Provide line indicators, Provide grids or scaffolds on the paper to support the child’s recording, Provide more white space to put answers, Highlight or colour code, Cover parts of worksheets.
Adapt the pace of activities: e.g. Allow the pupil more time to complete their work, Give small steps to be completed in set time.
Adapt the method children use to record their thoughts and ideas: e.g. Dictate to a scribe, Record vocally, Draw pictures, Build models, Use the computer.
Adapt the children’s groupings: e.g. Use peers or volunteers to assist pupils with special needs, Use pupils with special needs to assist younger children, Use teaching assistants to work with small groups, Change where the pupil sits in the classroom or make use of cooperative grouping.
Where children need additional support, they may work in a small group with adult support, or even on a 1:1 basis, usually in but sometimes outside of the classroom. We invest heavily in high quality Teaching Assistants to ensure all pupils receive the support they need both for academic work but also for their social and emotional development.
The school has a dedicated and skilled team of teachers and classroom support staff who work with children on a range of intervention strategies. Where necessary we access support from outside agencies such as Educational Psychology, Occupational Therapy or Behaviour Support.
Sometimes a Support Plan will be needed with individual targets and strategies to work towards achieving them. These targets or strategies are usually advised by external agencies working with the child e.g. the Educational Psychologist. A child may work with an adult in a small group or 1:1 basis to carry out specific interventions to meet their individual targets.
The SENCO works alongside class teachers and support staff to oversee SEN provision and monitor the progress of any child requiring additional support.
To see the school's Inclusion Policy please go to the Policies section of this website.
The SEN Information Report can be found embedded in the Inclusion Policy.
The Accessibility Plan can be found on the Policies section of the website.
Should you have any queries about our provision for Special Educational Needs, please do not hesitate to contact the school’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo), via the school office.