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Our School Motto, Ethos and Aims

Our Motto

Be Kind ~ Be Your Best ~ Be Happy


Recognising its historic foundation, Clipston Primary School seeks to serve its community by providing a connected and coherent education of the highest quality. We endeavour to preserve and develop our distinct religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England.

The school lives out its Christian Values – Thankfulness, Kindness, Justice, Love, Forgiveness, Responsibility and Courage – and all those essential human values, which are common to good, kind and tolerant people of all faiths and none, through the daily experiences it offers to all its pupils.

Aims – Our School Vision

Clipston School aims to provide every child with high quality teaching and learning. It is the school's philosophy to foster within our pupils independence, a high level of self-confidence, a deep sense of self-worth, and an understanding and deeper appreciation of our Christian heritage.
To achieve this, we aim to:

  • Enable all children to achieve their full potential, both academically, socially, personally, and morally in order that children expect the best of themselves.
  • Promote spiritual development and the ability to grow and flourish as human beings.
  • Support children in building relationships which reflect Christian values.
  • Deliver a broad, relevant and challenging education, which is of a high standard and appropriate to an individual child's needs.
  • Promote high standards of behaviour based on mutual trust and respect, developing responsibility and fostering self-discipline.
  • Promote good citizenship, thus enabling individuals to make valuable contributions to wider society.
  • Ensure equal opportunities for all.
  • Provide a welcoming and stimulating learning environment in which everyone feels safe, happy and secure.
  • Develop a sense of pride in belonging to Clipston Primary School.

To achieve these aims, staff and governors work in partnership with parents, carers and the local community for the benefit of all the pupils.

Our Mission

Every Child Matters To God

“Do to others as you would have them do unto you” Luke 6:31

Peterborough Diocese - YouTube

The Diocese of Peterborough